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12 Aug 2024

Observation of National Librarian’s Day on 12th August, 2024

Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya (BSSRV) Central Library observed National Librarian’s Day on the occasion of Padma Shri Dr. S. R. Ranganathan’s 132nd Birth Anniversary on 12th August, 2024 (Monday). The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Udayan Baruah, Controller of Examination cum Academic Registrar i/c and also co-chaired by Dr. Debabhuson Borah, IQAC Coordinator and Dr. Uzzal Sharma, Faculty In-Charge, Student Affairs, BSSRV. The Lighting of the Lamp and floral tribute to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan by the Chief Guest and other Faculty members of the Vishwavidyalaya. Firstly, Mr. Debajit Borgohain, Assistant Librarian & Convenor of the programme addresses the Welcome address. Then, Dr. Udayan Baruah has expressed his view on modern librarianship and importance of National Digital Library of India (NDLI) in present day context.