Dr. Uday Kumar Khanikar
I welcome you all to be part with us towards building a top class University and make it destination for the best of students with the goal to create industry-ready human resources, high quality research output, incubation & start up centers and as well as training.
Welcome Message
Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya (BSSRV) is the first University established by the Government of Assam after implementation of National Education Policy, 2020 and started its functioning from 21st February, 2021 after appointment of Prof. Jyoti Prasad Saikia as the first Vice chancellor. The University is presently functioning from its temporary Campus at Golaghat Engineering College. Being the University established after the implementation of National Education Policy,2020 all course curriculum of the University is being designed incorporating various provisions of NEP 2020 in order to establish academic practices of high standard to fulfill its objectives with the holistic participation of stake holders.
The Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya is established by the Government of Assam commemorating the unforgettable history of legendary Birangana Sati Sadhani. Birangana Sati Sadhani was the last queen of the Chutiya Dynasty of Assam, who fought heroically with the Ahoms in the Lota Kota Ron and sacrificed her life by jumping from the Chandangiri Hills with the royal heirlooms. This is privileged for all of us to be a part of this University that celebrates the valour and the legend of such a legendary queen Birangana Sati Sadhani.
With the kind support of government representatives University has acquired 120 bighas of land for establishment of its permanent Campus at Golaghat. Under the leadership and guidance of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Jyoti Prasad Saikia various Statutory Bodies and Ordinances of the University has been created with recognition under 2 (f) of the University Grants Commission within a very short period of time. The construction activities at the permanent Campus of the University is going on speedily and systematically with a target to complete within 2 (two) years.
I welcome you all to be part with us towards building a top class University and make it destination for the best of students with the goal to create industry-ready human resources, high quality research output, incubation & start up centers and as well as training.
Academic Qualifications
• PhD in Business Administration from Gauhati University, Assam.
• MBA with specialization in Human Resource Management & Marketing Management from Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University
• M.Sc (Agri) from in Tea Husbandry & Technology from the Assam Agricultural University
• BSc (Agri) with specialization in Tea Husbandry & Technology from the Assam Agricultural University
• P. G. Certificate Course in Basic Law from the University Law College, Gauhati University.
• Completed NPTEL Online Certification Course in Educational Leadership.
• Registrar, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, w.e.f 09/07/2019 to 15/08/2023
• Joint Registrar, Gauhati University, w.e.f. 28/03/2018 to 08/07/2019.
• Regional Director, Guwahati Regional Centre, National Institute of Open Schooling (under the MHRD, Govt. of India) w.e.f. 05/02/2016 to 26/03/2018.
• Deputy Registrar, Gauhati University (since 01/02/2011 to 04/02/2016)
• Administrative Manager, Guwahati Biotech Park, Technology Complex, IIT Guwahati.
• Project Manager, Regional Medical Research Centre, NE Region, ICMR, Dibrugarh.
• Research Officer (Non medical), Regional Medical Research Centre, NE Region, ICMR, Dibrugarh.
• Development Officer, Dibrugarh University.
• Manager, Dibrugarh University Tea Plantation Project, New Rajabheta Tea Co. (p) Ltd.
Workshop/ Seminar/Training Programme attended:
(i) Attended Weeklong STTP on Enhancing Administrative skills organised by TLC, Tezpur University during 24-30 May, 2023.
(ii) Attended National Lavel Workshop on ‘Towards Effective Management of NITs’ held on 19th and 20th May, 2023 at NIT Warangal, Telangana State, India.
(iii) Completed the Online Weeklong Faculty Development Program on Implementation of NEP 2020 in Higher Education Institutions organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University during 26 April – 02 May 2023.
(iv) Attended UGC ¬Approved Short¬ Term Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP¬ 2020 for University and College Teachers’ held from 13-21 April, 2023 organised by IGNOU.
(v) Attended Four Week Training Programme for Assistant Registrar/Administrative Officers of the University/College w.e.f. 21st Feb, 2022 organised by the University of Delhi.
(vi) Participated in the National Webinar on ‘Leadership in Higher & Technical Education’ on 30th June, 2020.
(vii) Attended the training programme on ‘General Rules and Regulations related to GFR, Procurement Procedures, Accounts and Audit’ organized by the TEQIP-III Cell, NIT Arunachal Pradesh from 16-20 March, 2020.
(viii) Attended the ‘National Workshop on Leadership Development in Higher Education for University Administrators’ organized by the National Institute of Educational Planning & Administration (NIEPA) during January 07-09, 2018 at New Delhi.
(ix) Participated in the Training on ‘e-Procurement’ sponsored by DoPT, Government of India from 28th to 30th November, 2018 at Assam Administrative Staff College.
(x) Participated in the ‘National Workshop on Autonomy and Governance in Higher Education’ organized by the Department of Higher and Professional Education, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi from December 19-21, 2014.
(xi) Participated in the Three day Workshop on ‘Advanced Data Analysis Using SPSS and AMOS’ organized during July 28-30, 2014 by the Department of Business Administration, Tezpur University.
(xii) Participated in ICSSR 10 days Workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Social Science’, held from 19-28 February, 2014 in the Assam University, Diphu Campus, Diphu, Assam.
(xiii) Attended ‘Academic Administrators Workshop’ organized by the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi, India from 28th Jan, 2013 to 2nd Feb, 2013.
(xiv) Attended Management Development Programme (MDP) on ‘IT in Governance & Public Procurement’ organized by the National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad, Haryana on 7th to 9th March, 2011.
(xv) Attended the national Workshop cum exhibition on ‘Biodiesel in North East’ at Guwahati on 17th & 19th Oct, 2006 organised by the NEDFi.
(xvi) Attended and Organised the Seminar on ‘Solid Waste Management’ in the Dibrugarh University on 20th Dec, 2007 funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India.
(xvii) Attended & Organised the Workshop on ‘Role of Internal Quality Assurance Cell in promoting Internal Quality Assurance System in Higher Educational Institution’ organized in the Dibrugarh University on 25th & 26th Nov, 2007 funded by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council.