The Student Welfare Cell, Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya, in association with Department of Economics and Department of Computer Science, BSSRV, Golaghat, Assam and in collaboration with National Mental Health Program, District Health Society, Golaghat have organized One Day Awareness Programme on “Suicide Prevention” on 12th September, 2024. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Udayan Baruah, Academic Registrar (i/c), Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya, Golaghat, Assam. Dr. Baruah in his inaugural address has shown his concern on the growing numbers of suicide that has been occurring recently in our society and especially among the young students. He has emphasized the importance of such awareness program to tackle the problems of suicide and at least for reducing such incidents to a significant extent. A welcome address of the program was given by Dr. Uzzal Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Faculty In-charge Student Welfare Cell, BSSRV. The program was followed by a series of awareness lectures on Suicide Prevention, which has been delivered by a team of experts from District Health Society, Golaghat, Assam. The program was ended with the Vote of Thanks offered by Dr. Jitu Saikia, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya, Assam. The entire program was anchored by Dr. Parismita Hazarika, Assistant Professor, Department of Assamese, Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya, Assam.
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