ICSSR-NERC Sponsored National Conference on Contemporary Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences
Organised by:
Department of Sociology and Department of Assamese
In Collaboration with:
IQAC and Research and development Cell, Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya
In the pursuit of creating space for critical thinking through debate and discussion, the Department of Sociology and Department of Assamese at Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya is organising a National Conference for Young Researchers (NCYR) on the theme 'Contemporary Trends of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences' on 19-20 March, 2025. Engagement with emerging theoretical and methodological debates and their contextual and historical understanding endeavour to bring young researchers from different disciplines to locate their works by transcending the individual disciplines. The conference invites papers from young researchers pursuing their post-graduation/doctoral research or who have completed their doctoral research in the past two years.
• Historical and contextual understanding of social science research in India.
• Emerging theoretical and methodological debates in social science research.
• Emerging socio-economic and political forces and processes: globalisation, neoliberalism and privatisations.
• Contemporary trends in literary and cultural research.
• Social Science Research and Egalitarian orientation in India.
• Research in Humanities and Social Sciences in Northeast India.
• Any other areas.
Guidelines for Paper Submission:
• Original research paper and abstract accompanied by 3-4 keywords must be sent to the Coordinators of the seminar before the stipulated dates.
• The length of the abstract and full paper should be within 250 and 6000 words, respectively.
• The abstract and full paper must be typed in MS Word, Times New Roman font style with font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing.
• Referencing style must be in APA, 7" edition.
• Seminar paper can be submitted at yrcbssrvsoc@gmail.com
• No TA/ DA will be provided to the participants.